
In English we have been working on a Glogsterposter. We worked the project in groups. We could decide one animal that we wanted to write about, our group picked the dangerous piranha. We wrote about what piranhas eat, how they behave, where they live and how they look like. We splited our group and worked two and two. Hildur and me worked together and we found information about what piranhas eat and how they behave. Margrét and Heišdķs worked together and they wrote about where they live and what they look like. When we found all the information we thought was most important we put our infermation in Glogster. After we had finished our Glogsterposter we wrote a presitation and then we present it to the class. I tought this project was so much fun and I really like working in groups!!

Here is our projectLoL





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